General Terms and conditions
1st Part - Skischool
A - Snow Sigi - The program of our skischool
This offer is designed for children between their 2nd and 4thbirthday, as they cannot be integrated into groups yet, because theirstamina would not last long enough to complete a full group course.
This lesson lasts 50 minutes for one or two children in which theskiing instructor tries to teach them in a playful manner. On the dayswhere a lesson is booked and taken we offer the equipment free of charge for thewhole day. If the equipment is needed on days where no lesson is taken,we charge the price for children up to the age of twelf.
B - Refund of missed instructions
Legally we are not obliged to refund in cash booked and paid for instructions. It will be our decision if and when to do so in cash or by voucher.
C - Cancellation of privat instructions
Private instructions, especially in low season and during Austrian schooltime, should be booked at least three days in advance by e-mail, with the following details:
- student's name or name of their legal representative
- their postal address
- their thelephone number
We charge a cancellation fee of € 40 for each cancelled lesson which isn't cancelled a certain time before.
Cancellations which are done shortly before the start of the lesson and "no shows" will be charged with 100% of the price.
If cancelled by a minimum of 22 hours in advance, we will not charge a fee.
We want to alert you, that a cancellation will be only valid if they are done by phone or in our Office.
D - Minimum number of participant
Voraussetzung für eine Kursgruppe mit dem dazugehörigen Kurspreis sind mindestens 4 Personen des gleichen Könnens. Sollte diese Mindesteilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht werden, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, nach Absprache mit den Kursteilnehmern bzw. deren gesetzlichen Vertretern, die Kurszeit zu verkürzen oder einen Aufpreis zu verrechnen.
Ein Ausweichen auf Privatunterricht steht den Teilnehmern jederzeit zur Auswahl. for 3-day courses: 4 people of same skiing ability
for 4 to 6-day courses: 6 people of same skiing ability
If the minimum number cannot be reached the full price for 4 resp. 6people still has to be paid or personal training sessions arerecommended.
2nd Part - Equipment Hire
A - Age of consent of children
We require proof of identity of childrenabove the age of fourteen resp. of the legal representative forchildren below that age. Otherwise we reserve the right to askefor a deposit or deny hire.
B - Identity of consumer
Before handover of the lease object a security has to begiven. This can be a personal document, a passport or drivinglicence. The deposit of the security is not valid as a possiblepurchaseprice for the lease objects. Otherwise we reserve the rightto deny hire.
C - Hire categories for Children
We have two price categories:
o 2 - 12 years of age
o 13 - 17 years of age
o from the age of 18 the same as for adults
D - Special requests for equipment for children and youth
In case of special requests for equipment for children between the age of2 - 17 years from our VIP or TOP class range, the regular price, regardless of age, will becharged.
E - Hire of equipment sets
When hiring skis and boots combined for more than three days the helmetfor children incl. the age of 18 is free of charge. In case of an earlyreturn the full charge, also for the helmet, will apply.
F - Our dual offer for kids (skis and board)
Dieses Angebot gilt für Kinder bis zur Vollendung des 18. Lebensjahres, sprich bis zum 18. Geburtstag.
Bei gleichzeitiger Ausleihe von Schi und Schischuhen sowie Board und Boot, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, wird das zweite Set um 50 % ermäßigt.
Wird zwischen Boardset und Schiset gewechselt, werden die Boots für die Dauer der Ausleihe verrechnet und die Schischuhe neu verrechnet. Bei den Boots bzw. Schischuhen kann keine Verlängerung oder Durchrechnung des Ausleihzeitraumes gewährt werden. Solch ein Wechsel kann einmal in Anspruch genommen werden. Beim zweiten Mal wird das Set neu berechnet und in Rechnung gestellt.This applies to children up to the age of 18, the second set is offered at half price. In case of returns we reserve the right to charge regular prices for the replacement.
G - Duration
The rent is only valid for successive days.
H - Refunds Rückerstattung von nicht konsumierten Leistungen
Wir sind gesetzlich nicht verpflichtet das Entgelt für nicht konsumierte aber bereits verbindlich gebuchte und bezahlte Leistungen in Bargeld rückzuerstatten. Es obliegt unserer Entscheidung, ob, in welchen Fällen und in welcher Höhe wir die oben genannten Leistungen in Bargeld oder mittels Gutschein rückerstatten. Wird ein ärztliches Attest vorgezeigt, das bescheinigt, dass die bezahlte Leistung (Ausleihe von Ausrüstung) nicht länger in Anspruch genommen werden kann, wird der Diffenzbetrag für den Zeitraum zwischen ärztlicher Bescheinigung und Datum der Rückgabe in Bargeld rückerstattet.
Für den Fall, dass Ausrüstung geliehen und nur kurze Zeit später, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, retourniert wird, wird für diesen, auch noch so kurzen, Zeitraum der Ausleihe ein Mindestbetrag von "einem halben Tag der jeweiligen Ausleihkategorie" in Rechnung gestellt, bzw. einbehalten. General business regulations for credit- or debit card payments apply. Cash payments will be refunded in cash. In case of permature discontinuation for health reasons, a doctor's certificate will be required. We reserve the right to charge halfe a day's fee for prematurely returned equipment on the first day.
I - Return of skiing equipment
Half-price: 09:00 - 13:00 hrs or 12:00 - 17:00 hrs.
Please return the equipment no later than 16:50 hrs, otherwise we feel obliged to charge an administration fee of € 10.00.
3rd Part - Sonn'Alm
Appartement - Booking
The booking of the appartment can be operated
A. by mail to or
B. by
In case of booking by mail please check availability first. You can do it on our home page or call Mrs. Fritz cell phone: +43 664 5443388. For detailed Information let us know your personal informations like first name, surname and date of birth of all guests, the postal and the mailling addresses.
In case of booking by please write a mail to including following personal informations:
first name, surname and date of birth of all guests, the postal and the mailling addresses.
Apartment - Prepaiment
After receipt of the personal informations you will get a booking confirmation. We reserve the right to ask for a prepaiment of 30 % of the total amount within 14 days off the day of booking.
Apartment - cancellations
If cancelled up to 30 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged.
Between 14 an 29 days before date of arrival 50 % *) of the first night will be charged.
If cancelled later or in case of no-show 100 % *) of the total price of the reservation will be charged.
*) additionally € 10,00 handling fee