Snowboardunterricht, Skischule Brunner, Lachtal

Ready to ride?

group programs and private lessons

Snowboard group programs and private lessons

for all ages

If you and your friends want to give snowboarding a try or hit the next level in your riding skills we've got the right program for you. These group sessions feature 4 hours of tuition from one of our professional instructors per day.
To start a Snowboard Group Program please note that there must be at least 4 participants otherwise private lessons will be offered.

We strongly recommend to request a booking at least three days in advance!

1,3 or 5 days of tuition

To find out about availability please visit us at our shop or write an email

Usually on mondays

go to prices -> full day courses

Meeting place 2

Make a booking: you may request a booking at our office, via email or online

Click here to make a request...

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